Vonsassy.x (vonsassy.x) Profile Photo

Vonsassy.x (vonsassy.x) Unstoppable Domains Profile

Explore Vonsassy.x (vonsassy.x) Unstoppable Domains Web3 profiles, social links, NFT collections, Web3 activities, dWebsites, POAPs etc on the Web3.bio profile page. Vonsassy.x (vonsassy.x)‘s wallet address is 0x6cf9d7c1092251af74041c4f04cf989b458dfbe5


Vonsassy.x (vonsassy.x)‘s wallet address is 0x6cf9d7c1092251af74041c4f04cf989b458dfbe5

Vonsassy is an artist, spatial designer, web developer, educator and domain investor.

📍 Cyberworld