Kei 🗝️ (keikreutler) Profile Photo

Kei 🗝️ (keikreutler) Farcaster Profile

Explore Kei 🗝️ (keikreutler) Farcaster Web3 profiles, social links, NFT collections, Web3 activities, dWebsites, POAPs etc on the profile page. Kei 🗝️ (keikreutler)‘s wallet address is 0x2a2c5bf1189c09504af1918161f4093ea95504b7

Kei 🗝️

Kei 🗝️ (keikreutler)‘s wallet address is 0x2a2c5bf1189c09504af1918161f4093ea95504b7

Writing about how cultural narratives of technology shape what worlds we can build 🗝️ Building a mountainside bath house