kagami 🎩 (kagami) Profile Photo

kagami 🎩 (kagami) Farcaster Profile

Explore kagami 🎩 (kagami) Farcaster Web3 profiles, social links, NFT collections, Web3 activities, dWebsites, POAPs etc on the Web3.bio profile page. kagami 🎩 (kagami)‘s wallet address is 0x30c8c2bfbf12405f75d7643f3d658d33940fdca7

kagami 🎩

kagami 🎩 (kagami)‘s wallet address is 0x30c8c2bfbf12405f75d7643f3d658d33940fdca7

crypto pm @ sp-ce | building ui/ux for the masses for companies like wormhole, pyth, and zksync