interptr.eth Profile Photo

interptr.eth ENS Profile

Explore interptr.eth ENS Web3 profiles, social links, NFT collections, Web3 activities, dWebsites, POAPs etc on the profile page. interptr.ethβ€˜s wallet address is 0x10e0a91e652b05e9c7449ff457cf2e96c3037fb7


interptr.ethβ€˜s wallet address is 0x10e0a91e652b05e9c7449ff457cf2e96c3037fb7

With three main nodes ( orchestrators ) located in North America and Europe, Interptr has been reliably transcoding since March 2021 and is consistently ranked among the top 10 livepeer orchestrators by trailing 90 day earnings, performance, and performance/latency globally. <br><br> At 25%/4%, our fee/reward cut structure is one of the most generous among top Orchestrators ( 75% of ETH earned, and 96% of LPT goes TO OUR DELEGATORS )!<br><br> Reach out to me in the Livepeer Discord: my username is interptr ( originally _ptr#9924, Ask to add me as a friend - note: I will never DM you first )