0xbitcoin.eth Profile Photo

0xbitcoin.eth ENS Profile

Explore 0xbitcoin.eth ENS Web3 profiles, social links, NFT collections, Web3 activities, dWebsites, POAPs etc on the Web3.bio profile page. 0xbitcoin.ethβ€˜s wallet address is 0xb6ed7644c69416d67b522e20bc294a9a9b405b31


0xbitcoin.ethβ€˜s wallet address is 0xb6ed7644c69416d67b522e20bc294a9a9b405b31

A Decentralized proof of work token that uses Ethereums' block chain to distribute and secure its tokens. The 0xBitcoin contract turned Bitcoins code into Solidity code, that is immutable(unchangeable). 0xBitcoin inherits Bitcoins store of value via halvings which reduce the rate of supply by half every 4-5 years. 0xBitcoins' contract has no owner and runs permission less on Ethereum!