Johan Pöyhönen (poyhonen.x) Profile Photo

Johan Pöyhönen (poyhonen.x) Unstoppable Domains Profile

Explore Johan Pöyhönen (poyhonen.x) Unstoppable Domains Web3 profiles, social links, NFT collections, Web3 activities, dWebsites, POAPs etc on the profile page. Johan Pöyhönen (poyhonen.x)‘s wallet address is 0xc2c075192ff1888dc92ed23d0ff3b00a278129e0

Johan Pöyhönen

Johan Pöyhönen (poyhonen.x)‘s wallet address is 0xc2c075192ff1888dc92ed23d0ff3b00a278129e0

Industrial Designer, Artist and Anarcho-capitalist. Web3/NFT-project creator. Surf the waves of the Universe! @voodoodollxnft @TarotCardsNFT @KewlCatNFT

📍 Rustavi