plouton.eth Profile Photo

plouton.eth ENS Profile

Explore plouton.eth ENS Web3 profiles, social links, NFT collections, Web3 activities, dWebsites, POAPs etc on the profile page. plouton.ethβ€˜s wallet address is 0xd6a75e48549864f8e6867d38a7619809aa8bab71


plouton.ethβ€˜s wallet address is 0xd6a75e48549864f8e6867d38a7619809aa8bab71

Plouton is one of several euphemistic names for Hades, described in the Iliad as the most hated god to mortals. Plato said that people preferred the name Plouton, "the giver of wealth", because the name Hades was frightening. The name is understood to refer to "the infinite riches of the earth, including the crops on the surface - he was originally the god of the land - and the mines hidden within".