nycphilanthropy.eth Profile Photo

nycphilanthropy.eth ENS Profile

Explore nycphilanthropy.eth ENS Web3 profiles, social links, NFT collections, Web3 activities, dWebsites, POAPs etc on the profile page. nycphilanthropy.ethβ€˜s wallet address is 0xb5164d6b780786338c52f4787abba0e4a371af4d


nycphilanthropy.ethβ€˜s wallet address is 0xb5164d6b780786338c52f4787abba0e4a371af4d

The first and only Livepeer Orchestrator to donate for social good in the areas of the arts. The Orchestrator has pledged at least 30% of this node's total ETH Fee earnings to be directed towards philanthropic efforts. Node run with a RTX 4090, right here in NYC.