warcio (mcjoe.lens) Profile Photo

warcio (mcjoe.lens) Lens Profile

Explore warcio (mcjoe.lens) Lens Web3 profiles, social links, NFT collections, Web3 activities, dWebsites, POAPs etc on the Web3.bio profile page. warcio (mcjoe.lens)‘s wallet address is 0xe87bfff3c69f58c8bf30f1b29bf11e60605780e1


warcio (mcjoe.lens)‘s wallet address is 0xe87bfff3c69f58c8bf30f1b29bf11e60605780e1

I like Bears, some time ago a Shark fancied my leg, but I refused and told him NO, we agreed to disagree and parted ways. Ah, also did I tell you that I like Bears?