IaM [ZK] <DEV> (iamzkdev.eth) Profile Photo

IaM [ZK] <DEV> (iamzkdev.eth) ENS Profile

Explore IaM [ZK] <DEV> (iamzkdev.eth) ENS Web3 profiles, social links, NFT collections, Web3 activities, dWebsites, POAPs etc on the Web3.bio profile page. IaM [ZK] <DEV> (iamzkdev.eth)‘s wallet address is 0x74eca124abff321366a26862248d41dc2e878752

IaM [ZK] <DEV>

IaM [ZK] <DEV> (iamzkdev.eth)‘s wallet address is 0x74eca124abff321366a26862248d41dc2e878752

A passionate Blockchain developer on a mission to leverage the power of Zero Knowledge technology for creating easy, secure and private decentralized applications on Ethereum. With expertise in Solidity, ZK-SNARKS and SnarkyJS on Mina Protocol.