crisvond.eth Profile Photo

crisvond.eth ENS Profile

Explore crisvond.eth ENS Web3 profiles, social links, NFT collections, Web3 activities, dWebsites, POAPs etc on the profile page. crisvond.ethβ€˜s wallet address is 0x26ccf273a1f5eae3b7fbf30c9db7a551c6a44864


crisvond.ethβ€˜s wallet address is 0x26ccf273a1f5eae3b7fbf30c9db7a551c6a44864

Crisvond is making a mark in the NFT Art community. Colorful and controversial, his work is gathering many followers and supporters. His collaboration in many projects as a designer, programmer, Solidity Builder and adviser has given him a well deserve recognition by his peers. His works has been featured in important NFT events like NYNFT and the upcoming NFT3 awards conference.