Alison | 0xluden (0xluden.lens) Profile Photo

Alison | 0xluden (0xluden.lens) Lens Profile

Explore Alison | 0xluden (0xluden.lens) Lens Web3 profiles, social links, NFT collections, Web3 activities, dWebsites, POAPs etc on the profile page. Alison | 0xluden (0xluden.lens)‘s wallet address is 0xf63488819d82e794c52cc792d9c9fe1a84aefeec

Alison | 0xluden

Alison | 0xluden (0xluden.lens)‘s wallet address is 0xf63488819d82e794c52cc792d9c9fe1a84aefeec

Web3 game designer | Reimagining blockchain games | She/Her 🏳️‍🌈 Twitter permabanned me since 3/18 to make way for impersonators. This is how good centralized social media gets.

📍 Hong Kong