Lisa Seacat DeLuca (lisa.x) Profile Photo

Lisa Seacat DeLuca (lisa.x) Unstoppable Domains Profile

Explore Lisa Seacat DeLuca (lisa.x) Unstoppable Domains Web3 profiles, social links, NFT collections, Web3 activities, dWebsites, POAPs etc on the profile page. Lisa Seacat DeLuca (lisa.x)‘s wallet address is 0x1443db14ffc517d916b67ad67eabb83f193c3dec

Lisa Seacat DeLuca

Lisa Seacat DeLuca (lisa.x)‘s wallet address is 0x1443db14ffc517d916b67ad67eabb83f193c3dec

Just a girl living her best decentralized life. Senior Director of Engineering at Unstoppable Domains. Innovating the future of decentralized identity ownership.

📍 UDverse, Montana